torsdag 12 december 2024


12 december Ă€r Kenyas nationaldag! 🇰đŸ‡Ș Dagens recept Ă€r Irio, Kikuyu-folkets potatismos med grönsaker som finns i Kenya, Tanzania och Uganda (Global Table Adventure).

Barbara Sheen beskriver Irio i "Foods of Kenya" pÄ sida 20 och 21:
"Irio can be made with almost any type of bean, black-eyed peas, or green peas. This recipe uses kidney beans. [...] Irio (ee-ree-o), which is the Kikuyu word for food, is a favorite among all Kenyans. It is a hearty dish made of potatoes mashed with corn and beans. The Kikuyu people traditionally combine corn and beans in their cooking. Doing so is very nutritious. It provides the same quality of protein as meat or fish.
There are almost as many ways to prepare irio as there are Kenyan cooks. Irio almost always starts with potatoes, corn, and beans, but then Kenyan cooks add any number of other ingredients to the dish. Spinach, fried onions, vegetables, and chunks of meat are all popular additions. Coastal cooks often add seafood. 'This dish... is wonderfully versatile,' explains author Dorinda Hafner. 'An innovative cook can make much of irio, adding different flavorings such as garlic, fresh herbs, and spices, combining it with dried salted fish, seafood, or minced meat, or stuffing it into various vegetables.' ⁷ Indeed, versatility is what makes traditional dishes such as irio distinctly Kenyan.
Irio is both a main dish and a popular accompaniment to grilled meat."

Chef Lola's Kitchen sĂ€ger:
"As we all know, mashed potatoes, in general, is a recipe that is quite forgiving. Likewise, Irio is not an exception to this case. That is why there are many variations to this recipe in Kenya.
•Some will like to boil the corn and sweet peas separately and add it to the potatoes after mashing it
•Pumpkin leaves or spinach or watercress can also be added for a deeper color
•The sweet peas can also be boiled separately and pureed before adding it to the mashed potatoes in order to achieve that bright green color in their Irio
•In some cases, sauteed Onions are also added and so much more."

Mayuri's Jikoni sÀger:
"Irio is very much a staple for the Kikuyu tribe. Traditionally, red beans, potatoes and and white corn are used.Depending on the season, tender kale would be added. However, with more ingredients available and locally grown, there are so many versions of Irio. Kikuyus are basically farmers. Nowadays many are in different professions but most of them own land/farm back in their villages. Years ago new harvest meant that some of these vegetables and beans were combined to prepare a basic but very nutritious dish called irio. During the dry season, dried beans and maize were added to the mashed potatoes. On special occasions, boiled sweet potato, boiled green bananas, pumpkin leaves, peas, carrots or many other vegetables are added to make it into a dish literally fit for a king."

Men det finns ocksĂ„ rĂ€tten Mukimo. Eat Well Abi sĂ€ger: "Irio originates from the Kikuyu and Meru tribes in Kenya, and simply means 'food'. It used to be the main dish at mealtimes. There are so many variations of this dish; and it is sometimes called 'mukimo', which means 'mashed food'. 

Miriam Malaquias sĂ€ger: 
"Some Kenyans believe there is no difference between irio and mukimo, but some says, there is a difference. 

Our first maid was from a Kamba tribe. I remember when she said she was cooking mukimo, she would make same as irio with mashed green leaf vegetables.

When she cooked irio, it was just mashed potatoes, fresh white corn (not dried), and green peas. At the end of the day, I thought mukimo was just another variety of irio. I would love to hear from the Kenyans about this.

Our Kikuyu maid said Mukimo is from Mt Kenya. When I researched, I realized that there are several tribes around Mt. Kenya: Kikuyu, Ameru, Masai and Embu. Now I am asking myself, is Mukimo traditional food for all those tribes or for just the Kikuyus? I guess I forgot to ask that question when I was in Kenya in 2015.

Another thing that I learned while living in Kenya was that unlike irio, mukimo, does not have to use peas, any regular beans are used often. I remember our maid liked to use pumpkin leaves for mukimo and red beans. The Kikuyu use Kahurura (fig leaves). Kahurura is in the same family of pumpkin leaves." 

Barbara Sheen gör Irio med konserverade kidneybönor, frysta/fĂ€rska majskorn, potatis, fĂ€rsk spenat, smör/margarin, salt, peppar och vatten. Serveras med citronskivor. Kidneybönor, majs, potatis och spenat kokas pĂ„ lĂ„g vĂ€rme till potatis Ă€r mjuk. Vatten hĂ€lls av. Grönsakerna blandas med smör, salt och peppar. "Mash the ingredients together." 

St. Andrew's Church Woman's Guilds recept pĂ„ sida 122 i "The Kenya Cookery Book and Household Guide" (1994) innehĂ„ller "green maize cobs", "peas or beans", salt, potatis och "green pumpkin leaves". Majskornen tas av kolvarna och kokas med Ă€rtor till de Ă€r mjuka. Potatis och bladen tillsĂ€tts och kokas till potatis Ă€r "cooked", ca 20 minuter. "Drain, add salt and mash." 

Brattleboro Food Co-op anvÀnder potatis, frysta majs, frysta Àrtor, fryst spenat, salt, malen vitpeppar och smör/olivolja. Potatis kokas till gaffel gÄr lÀtt igenom. Vatten hÀlls av. Potatis mosas. Majs och Àrtor kokas. Spenat tillsÀtts och kokas. De hÀlls i durkslag. Majs, Àrtor och spenat mosas med potatis. "Try and mash the mixture to a smooth consistency." Smör/olivolja, salt och peppar blandas i.

Marie Kacouchias recept pĂ„ kenyansk Irio pĂ„ sida 118 "Vegan Africa: Plant-Based Recipes from Ethiopia to Senegal" innehĂ„ller potatis, salt, konserverade Ă€rtor, konserverad majs, kokvatten och svartpeppar. Potatis kokas med salt pĂ„ medelvĂ€rme i ca 15 minuter till gaffel gĂ„r lĂ€tt igenom. Vatten hĂ€lls av men tvĂ„ matskedar reserveras. Potatis och Ă€rtor mosas ihop med potatisstöt. Majs och kokvatten tillsĂ€tts och blandas. 

Chef Lola's Kitchen gör African Irio med mjölig potatis, Ă€rtor, majs, vatten, salt, svartpeppar och smör (valfritt). Potatis, Ă€rtor och majs kokas pĂ„ medel-hög vĂ€rme i 15-20 minuter till potatis Ă€r "fork-tender, but firm, about 15-20 minutes. If you cook any longer, it might turn out mushy."
Vattnet hÀlls av och 4 msk kokvatten reserveras. Salt och svartpeppar tillsÀtts. Mosas med trÀslev eller potatisstöt "until all potatoes are nicely mashed." Smör blandas i.

"This recipe yields a thicker chunky mass compared to the popular mashed potatoes but the end result is super amazing."

Mayuri's Jikoni gör Irio, Kenyan Style med mjölig potatis, fĂ€rska/frysta Ă€rtor, salt, kokta gul majskorn, spenat, smör och malen peppar. Potatis och Ă€rtor kokas med salt "till done." Potatis och Ă€rtor tas upp med hĂ„lslev. Spenat kokas. Potatis och Ă€rtor mosas. Spenat tillsĂ€tts och mosas. Majs, smör och peppar blandas i.
Cassava och sötpotatis kan tillsĂ€ttas eller ersĂ€tta potatis. FĂ€rska/frysta duvĂ€rtor eller kidneybönor kan tillsĂ€ttas. Mayuri gillar inte konserverade bönor utan föredrar fĂ€rska eller blötlagda. Vita majskorn kan anvĂ€ndas. Bladgrönsaker som spenat, grönkĂ„l, pumpablad, cowpea leaves, collard greens, amarantblad, salladslök kan tillsĂ€ttas. 

Chachi's Kitchen anvĂ€nder potatis, frysta Ă€rtor, fryst majs, spenat, salt, peppar, olivolja/smör. Potatis kokas och nĂ€r den nĂ€stan Ă€r klar tillsĂ€tts Ă€rtor och majs. Det mesta av vattnet hĂ€lls av. Spenat kokas. Salt och peppar tillsĂ€tts och "mash making sure that there is only a little water in the pan." Olivolja eller smör tillsĂ€tts. 

International Cuisine gör Kenyan Irio med gröna Àrtor, potatis, vatten, salt, fÀrsk/fryst majs, smör och peppar. Potatis och Àrtor kokas med salt pÄ medelvÀrme "until potatoes are tender". Vatten hÀlls av och kokvatten reserveras. Majs sjudas. Potatis och Àrtor mosas med potatisstöt till en ljusgrön puré. Majs, kokvatten, salt, peppar och smör blandas i.

Jag utgick frÄn sida 118 "Vegan Africa: Plant-Based Recipes from Ethiopia to Senegal" av Marie Kacouchia.


MÀngd: 1 st 100 cl skÄl, ca 945 g

5 stora mjöliga potatisar (~ 750 g) (~ 525 g kokt)
1/2 tsk salt
210 g konserverade gröna Àrtor
210 g konserverad majs 
1 msk kokvatten
1/2 tsk salt
1/2 krm malen svartpeppar 

Skala potatis. VÀrm en spisplatta pÄ medelvÀrme. HÀll potatis, varmt vatten och salt i en kastrull. Sjuda i 15-16 minuter till gaffel gÄr lÀtt igenom. HÀll i durkslag men spara lite kokvatten. HÀll potatis i en skÄl. Skölj Àrtor i durkslag. TillsÀtt Àrtor och mosa med potatisstöt. Skölj majs. Blanda i majs, kokvatten, salt och svartpeppar. Servera varmt.

Förvaring: Förvara i kyl.

Tigoi na wega!

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