torsdag 4 juli 2024

Southern Sweet Tea

Idag Ă€r 4th of July! đŸ‡ș🇾 Southern Sweet Tea Ă€r dagens recept. Sweet Tea Ă€r en sort iste populĂ€r i USA (speciellt i söder) och Indonesien (Wikipedia).
Först, vad Ă€r iste? Iste, iced tea eller ice tea, Ă€r kallt te som oftast serveras med isbitar. Kan sötas med socker eller sirap. Citron, hallon, lime, passionsfrukt, persika, apelsin, jordgubb och körsbĂ€r Ă€r vanliga smaker. 
Historian gĂ„r i alla fall bak till 1823 dĂ„ Marguerite Countess of Blessington skrev om iste i Neapel (Wikipedia). 

Svenska Wikipedia sĂ€ger: "Drycken omnĂ€mns redan 1839 i kokboken The Kentucky Housewife av fru Lettice Bryanon." Kunde inte hitta den men det omnĂ€mns i "The Everything Healthy Tea Book: Discover the Healing Benefits of Tea" av Babette Donaldson:  
"But even earlier, in the 1820s, cold tea punches were served the South, blending tea with alcohol. A recipe in The Kentucky Housewife, a cookbook by Mrs. Lettice Bryanon published in 1839, combines a strong tea with a considerable amount of sugar, sweet cream, and claret that shoulda served cold."
"1839 – The 1839 cookbook, The Kentucky Housewife, by Mrs. Lettice Bryanon, was typical of the American tea punch recipes:

'Tea Punch – Make a pint and a half of very strong tea in the usual manner; strain it, and pour it boiling (hot) on one pound and a quarter of loaf sugar. (That’s 2 1/2 cups white sugar) Add half a pint of rich sweet cream, and then stir in gradually a bottle of claret or of champaign (sic). You may heat it to the boiling point, and serve it so, or you may send it round entirely cold, in glass cups.'”

Vidare skriver Wikipedia "Iced tea started to appear in the United States during the 1860s. Seen as a novelty at first, during the 1870s it became quite widespread." 
Det Àldsta kÀnda recepten Àr frÄn 1870-talet.
PĂ„ sida 127 i "The Young Housewife's Counsellor and Friend: Containing Directions in Every Department of Housekeeping, Including the Duties of Wife and Mother" (1871) av Mary Ann Bryan Mason stĂ„r det "Three things it would be well to avoid in tea,—tea of inferior quality, weak tea, and cold tea: unless persons desire iced tea,—then it should be well iced." 
Wikipedia sĂ€ger att ett recept finns i "The Original Buckeye Cook Book and Practical Housekeeping: A Compilation of Choice and Carefully Tested Recipes" (1876) av Estelle Woods Wilcox. Kunde inte hitta den första utgĂ„van pĂ„ Google Books. PĂ„ sida 144 "Buckeye Cookery: With Hints on Practical Housekeeping" (1881) av Estelle Woods Wilcox:
"Prepare tea in the morning, making it stronger and sweeter than usual; strain and pour into a clean stone jug or glass bottle, and set aside in the ice-chest until ready to use. Drink from goblets without cream. Serve ice broken in small pieces on a platter nicely garnished with well-washed grape-leaves. Iced tea may be prepared from either green or black alone, but it is considered an improvement to mix the two. Tea made like that for iced tea (or that left in the tea-pot after a meal), with sugar to taste, a slice or two of lemon, a little of the juice, and some preces of cracked ice, makes a delightful drink. Serve in glasses." 

PĂ„ sida 64 i "Housekeeping in Old Virginia" (1878) av Marion Cabell Tyree:
"After scalding the teapot, put into it one quart of boiling water and two teaspoonfuls green tea. If wanted for supper, do this at breakfast. At dinner time, strain, without stirring, through a tea-strainer into a pitcher. Let it stand till tea time and then pour into decanters, leaving the sediment in the bottom of the pitcher. Fill the goblets with ice, put two teaspoonfuls granulated sugar in each, and pour the tea over the ice and sugar. A squeeze of lemon will make this delicious and healthful, as it will correct the astringent tendency.—Mrs. S. T."

What's Cooking America skriver att pĂ„ sida 112 i "Mrs. Lincoln’s Boston Cook Book: What to Do and What Not to Do in Cooking" (1884) av Mary Lincoln, anvĂ€ndes svart te och kan vara det första skrivna receptet som gjorde det. Dessutom visar det att det inte bara dracks iste i amerikanska södern:
“'Ice Tea or Russian Tea – Make the tea by the first receipt, strain it from the grounds, and keep it cool. When ready to serve, put two cubes of block sugar in a glass, half fill with broken ice, add a slice of lemon, and fill the glass with cold tea.'”

What's Cooking America skriver att iste sĂ„ldes 1890 pĂ„ Missouri State Reunion of Ex-Confederate Veterans, och 1893 pĂ„ Chicago World’s Fair. I en broschyr med recept utgiven 1895 av The Enterprising Manufacturing Co. of Pennsylvania marknadsförde de "their popular ice shredders" med “for your iced tea.”

Iste blev populĂ€rt efter Richard Blechynden sĂ„lde iste World's Fair in St. Louis 1904 (Wikipedia). Babette Donaldson skriver i "The Everything Healthy Tea Book: Discover the Healing Benefits of Tea":  
"The story of iced tea first being served at the India Pavilion of the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis is often interpreted as the origin of tea being poured over ice. Evidence to the contrary documents that iced tea was served in September of 1890 at a Civil War reenactment in Nevada, Missouri. Local newspapers reported that iced sweet tea had been served for the participants and described the cold tea as a luxury for hot southern summers. Discussion on the difference between the two stories suggests that Richard Blechynden, the World's Fair tea merchant who was struggling to interest anyone in his tea, borrowed the suggestion to serve it cold and thereby popularized the innovative practice." 

Under prohibitionstiden (1920-1933) blev recept pĂ„ iste vanliga i kokböcker. 1928 kom i "Southern Cooking" av Henrietta Stanley Dull (Mrs. S.R. Dull), Home Ecomonics Editor pĂ„ the Atlanta Journal (What's Cooking America). Boken "gives the recipe that remained standard in the South for decades thereafter" och Ă€r  "a regional book that very much resembles the many 'church' or 'ladies society' cookbooks of that era" (What's Cooking America). PĂ„ sida 237 stĂ„r det: 

"Tea, when it is to be iced, should be made much stronger, to allow for the ice used in chilling. A medium strength tea is usually liked. A good blend and grade of black tea is most popular for iced tea, while green and black are both used for hot. The variety used depends on the individual. [...] To sweeten tea for an iced drink—less sugar is required if put in while tea is hot, but often too much is made and sweetened, so in the end there is more often a waste than saving. 
A slice of lemon, cream or full milk may be used in hot tea, according to the individual taste. Iced tea is served with without lemon, with a sprig of mint, a strawberry, a cherry, a slice of orange, or pineapple. This may be fresh or canned fruit. Milk is not used in iced tea."

Men hur skiljer det Southern Sweet Tea Ă€r frĂ„n vanligt iste? Wikipedia sĂ€ger: "A heavily sweetened variety known as Sweet Tea is popular in southern states. In New England states, it is usually more moderately sweetened, and often includes mint." 
What's Cooking America hĂ„ller med:
"There are two traditional iced teas in the United States – Iced Tea and Sweet Tea. The only variation between them is sugar."

Socker eller sötningsmedel tillsĂ€tts till varmt svart te. Vanligtvis med citronsmak men persika, hallon och mynta Ă€r ocksĂ„ vanligt. Serveras kallt med isbitar (Wikipedia). Citronskiva och/eller fĂ€rsk mynta Ă€r vanlig garnering. 
Lustigt nog var det grönt te i sweet tea pÄ 1800-talet. Men under andra vÀrldskriget var det svÄrt att fÄ tag pÄ grönt te sÄ svart te blev ersÀttningen. Svart te blev den populÀraste tesorten i USA pÄ slutet av kriget (Wikipedia).

Jag utgick frĂ„n The Country Cook och Lipton. Varför Ă€r det bikarbonat i? För det minskar bitterheten och gör det klarare. Jag delade recepten pĂ„ tre och gjorde sockerfritt. Jag har testat med Nick's Fiber Syrup och Nick's Use Like Sugar. Sirap ger kolasmak medan "sockret" inte har "bismak". Men den första blev klarare Ă€n den senare. đŸ€·‍♀️ Jag föredrar Ă€ndĂ„ Use Like Sugar pga smak.

Southern Sweet Tea 

MĂ€ngd: 5 st 30 cl glas

6 dl vatten 
1/2 krm bikarbonat
130 g Nick's Use Like Sugar 
4 tepĂ„sar svart te citronsmak 
6 dl vatten 
1 citron 

VÀrm en spisplatta pÄ hög vÀrme. HÀll vatten i en kastrull. Koka upp. Ta bort kastrullen. Blanda i bikarbonat och use like sugar. TillsÀtt tepÄsar. LÄt dra i 15 minuter och för upp och ner ofta. Pressa tepÄsar och slÀng. Kyl i minst 4 timmar. Skölj citron. Skiva tunt. HÀll iste, citron och isbitar i glas. Servera kallt.

Förvaring: Förvara i kyl.

See ya later, alligator!

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