tisdag 21 maj 2024


21 maj är International Tea Day! 
Temadagen skapades av FN och började 2020 (Wikipedia). Wikipedia skriver: 
"The International Tea Day aims to raise awareness of the long history and the deep cultural and economic significance of tea around the world. The goal of the day is to promote and foster collective actions to implement activities in favour of the sustainable production and consumption of tea and raise awareness of its importance in fighting hunger and poverty."

(Observera att det förvirrande nog finns två temadagar som heter International Tea Day... Den första skapades 2005 och firas 15:e december varje år. Den andra händer idag).

Shai från Sudan är dagens recept. Shai betyder te. The Sudan Times skriver:

"Sudan’s tea culture has deep historical roots, dating back to the times of the ancient Nubian kingdoms. Over the centuries, it has evolved and adapted, incorporating influences from neighboring cultures while preserving its unique Sudanese character.

Traditional Sudanese tea is typically prepared using black tea leaves, water, and an array of spices and herbs. One of the defining features of Sudanese tea is its sweetness, often achieved through the generous addition of sugar or honey. The resulting brew is strong and aromatic, with a flavor profile that can vary from one region to another.


Sudan’s tea culture reflects its diverse population and the country’s long history as a crossroads of cultures. While the basic ingredients of tea remain consistent, the addition of spices such as cardamom, ginger, and cloves is a testament to the Arab and African influences that have shaped Sudanese cuisine.

The preparation and presentation of tea can also vary regionally. In some areas, tea is brewed with an emphasis on strong flavors and is known for its rich, dark color. In contrast, other regions might prefer a milder brew with a lighter color."

Jag utgick från Global Table Adventure och International Cuisine

* Jag tog teblad från 3 tepåsar Cardamom tea av Mahmood Tea, ceylon med kardemummasmak. 


Mängd: 2 st 45 cl tekoppar 

7 dl vatten
3 kanelstänger 
1 msk svarta teblad * 
2 msk ICA Sötströ 

Värm en spisplatta på hög värme. Häll kanel och vatten i en kastrull. Koka upp. Ta bort kastrullen. Tillsätt te. Låt dra enligt telådan. Ställ sil över tekopp. Häll i te. Blanda i sötströ. Servera varmt. 

Förvaring: Förvara i kyl.

Ila al-liqa' fi al-akhir!

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