fredag 20 oktober 2023


Tacofredag!!! Jag googlade på tacofredag och historia. Land skriver: 
"Old el Paso var de första att lansera tacos till försäljning i Sverige. Försäljningen ville först inte riktigt ta fart. 1991 kom även Santa Marias texmex-produkter ut på marknaden, efter att deras VD Lars-Olof Mattson några år tidigare prövat tacos på en middag och insett dess potential. Det skulle dock ännu dröja till 2000-talet innan tacos hade blivit en etablerad del av svenskarnas vardag. I dag sägs det att svenskarna, tillsammans med norrmännen, äter mest tacos i Europa."

Men varför? Atlas Obscura skriver:
"Market research shows that Sweden is now the highest per capita consumer of Mexican food in Europe, along with Norway, which practices Taco Fridays too." 
Artikeln länkar till "Integration of ethnic food into Swedish food rituals: The cultural fitness of tacos" av Cecilia Solér och Maite Creixell Plazas (2012). Jag kunde bara hitta abstract:
"This paper explores the meaning of the Mexican dish tacos for Swedish consumers. As such, this study examines the relationship between ethnic food and food culture in light of contemporary changing food rituals. The results reveal that the Swedish food ritual of Friday dinner can be enacted through eating tacos. Friday dinner is a point in time and space at which family members gather, after a busy week following divergent schedules that keep them from eating together, and to which children's food preferences are central. Tacos fulfil all the requirements for a quick-to-cook yet social dish that enables hardworking but time-constrained families to eat together. The much-debated informal and fragmented character of food consumption in contemporary society is accommodated in the taco meal."

Google ledde mig till Plazas masteruppsats "Taco Consumption Experience: Exploring Taco Experience for Swedish Consumers from a Cultural Perspective" (2011). Abstract säger:
"The aim of this study was to explore, from a cultural perspective, how Swedish consumers experience taco consumption; and in doing that, understand what has made tacos connect with the Swedes and remain current. Taco consumption is common practice among Swedish people, particularly in families with small children; and interestingly, Sweden has the second highest per capita consumption of Mexican type of food in Europe. A qualitative study with an Existential Phenomenological approach was conducted and 12 Swedish adults from 24 to 57 years old were interviewed. Taco consumption experience was analyzed from its practical and symbolic elements and was found to be an important part of today‟s Swedish culture. The integration of tacos to Swedish culture was explained by its connection with the families, the characteristics that tacos have (e.g., socialness, resemblance to the format of Swedish celebrations) and the benefits that tacos bring to these families (e.g., low risk meal solution, a meeting point). In sum, tacos have had a good Cultural Fit with Swedish culture that has enabled them to be digested and be incorporated into the culture."

Jag utgick efter Vegomagasinet men jag använde Anamma Svenskodlad Baljväxtfärs istället för Svenska Färsodlarna Svenskodlad Vegofärs. Jag la till halv silverlök som blev över efter Salsa cruda.

Jag åt med tortilla (Komali Tortillas Tradicional, 15 cm, köpt på Cooper's Candy), gurka, tomat, majs, svarta bönor, Salsa cruda. Dessutom blandade jag ca 40 g cream cheese och ca 45 g yoghurt till gräddfilsalternativ (Stockeld Dreamery Creamy Spread Original och Alpro Creamy & Subtle Coconut Natural). 


Mängd: ca 1000 g

1/2 silverlök 
500 g Anamma Svenskodlad Baljväxtfärs 
4 msk rapsolja 
50 g tomatpuré 
2 msk tacokrydda
400 g krossade tomater 
2 tsk salt
1/2 krm malen svartpeppar 

Skala och finhacka lök. Häll lök, färs och rapsolja i en kastrull. Fräs i 6-7 minuter och rör om ofta. Tillsätt tomatpuré och tacokrydda. Fräs i 1-2 minuter. Häll i tomat. Höj värmen till hög. Puttra i 9-10 minuter och rör om ofta. Ta bort kastrullen. Blanda i salt och svartpeppar. Servera varmt.

Förvaring: Förvara i kylen.


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