lördag 14 oktober 2023


14 oktober är dag 14 på Dessert Month och dessutom Dessert Day! Man vet inte vem som skapade temadagen eller när, men när jag googlade såg jag att temadagen fanns i alla fall 2006.  

Men exakt vad är dessert? Cambridge Dictionary säger: "sweet food eaten at the end of a meal".

"1: a usually sweet course or dish (as of pastry or ice cream) usually served at the end of a meal
2 British : a fresh fruit served after a sweet course"

Liknande säger Collins Dictionary:
"Dessert is something sweet, such as fruit or a pudding, that you eat at the end of a meal. [...]
[In British English]
1. the sweet, usually last course of a meal
2. mainly British
(esp formerly) fruit, dates, nuts, etc, served at the end of a meal
[In American English]
1. US
a usually sweet course, as of pie, cake, or ice cream, served at the end of a meal
2.  British
uncooked fruit served after, or in place of, the sweet course
[In American English]
1. cake, pie, fruit, pudding, ice cream, etc., served as the final course of a meal
2. Brit
a serving of fresh fruit after the main course of a meal

Britannica säger:
"Dessert, the last course of a meal. In the United States dessert is likely to consist of pastry, cake, ice cream, pudding, or fresh or cooked fruit. British meals traditionally end with nuts, fruits, and port or other dessert wine, while French practice is to end with fruit, cheese, and wine; in both Britain and France, a more elaborate meal would include a sweet course preceding the dessert offerings. In Spain, Portugal, and Latin American countries, desserts of flan (a baked caramel custard) are ubiquitous. Other rich sweets based on eggs, milk, and fruits also are preferred. The elaborate cakes and tarts of central and northern Europe make the dessert course a glory of these cuisines. Indian cuisine offers sweet puddings and dense cakes flavoured with rosewater, honey, and nuts."

Wikipedia säger:
"The term dessert can apply to many sweets, such as biscuits, cakes, cookies, custards, gelatins, ice creams, pastries, pies, puddings, macaroons, sweet soups, tarts, and fruit salad (fruit is commonly found in dessert courses because of its naturally occurring sweetness)."

Dagens recept (och dessert) är havreflarn! Dessa blir mer håliga beroende på hur man klickar ut dem. Jag föredrar att ha mer avstånd för att få mer hål, men man gör som man vill. 

Jag utgick från Baka Sockerfritt men uteslöt kokos. 


Mängd: 8 st flarn 

15 g Naturli' Ekologisk Vegan Block  
15 g Nick's Fiber Sirup
1 dl havregryn 

Sätt ugnen på 200 grader. Lägg bakplåtspapper på en bakplåt. Värm en spisplatta på medelvärme. Smält smör. Blanda i sirap och havregryn. Klicka ut på plåten. Grädda mitt i ugnen i 10-11 minuter. Låt svalna i minst 30 minuter. Servera rumsvarmt.

Förvaring: Förvara i kyl.


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